Judicial Branch

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Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/36916471/ns/us_news/
Constitutional Connection:  Article III, Judicial power is the power ''of a court to decide and pronounce a judgment and carry it into effect between persons and parties who bring a case before it for decision.''
Explanation of Connection: In this article, a district judge of Michigan said that nine Militia members could be released since their charges did not mean they would overthrow the government. These people talked of killing local police officers and even judges. The judge dismissed this case and let the Militia go home and wait for their trial while on electronic monitoring devices. In March, they were charged with conspiracy to commit sedition and attempted use of weapons of mass destruction. The judge claims that the Michigan Militia named Hutaree will not impose any threat upon the public. I think that this order of the court could possibly have a bad outcome. These people obviously wanted to endanger people and were ready to do so. I watched this on MSNBC in March when this first surfaced. The broadcast explained how the Militia claimed this was for God and they had to carry this out. They also showed video of them training in the woods as if they were going to the war in Iraq. I believe that if a group is that dedicated to destroy, then they should be kept in jail or prison until they prove themselves innocent.