Legislative Branch

10:15 PM Edit This 1 Comment »

Source: http://jcrue.files.wordpress.com/2009/12/ramirez-slavery.jpg
Constitutional Connection: Article 1, Section 8- Powers of Congress "The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect taxes, Duties and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for th common Defence and general Welfare of the United States but all Duties, Imposts, Excises shall be uniform though in the United Statess."
Explation of Connection: The Congress is controling the taxpayers and making them work as if they are slaves. The taxpayers are going through trouble and hard times. While Congress is sitting back, relaxing, and enjoying the money, the taxpayers do not get any respect. The Congress is attempting to bargain with the taxpayers, by offering free healthcare service. The Constitution says that Congress has the right to obtain and put out taxes, which makes the taxpayers helpless. Without taxes we would not be able to fund schools, fix highways/ streets or help others.


Mr. P said...

Interesting cartoon! But isn't comparing congress' healthcare legislation to slavery a bit extreme?